Archive for May, 2011

Dog’s Senses

Over the next several weeks I’ll tell you my thoughts about dogs’s senses:

There is no absolute scientific study of which I am aware indicating that dogs see color.  Their world is black and white, and maybe shades of grey; therefore they see better than humans in dimly lit space.  It is interesting that dogs recognize movement at a much greater distance than humans, yet the human eye maintains focus at a much greater distance then dogs.  Depending on the breed, some dogs see further than others and some discern moving objects better than others.  Many dogs respond as well to signals as verbal commands.  (On many occasions I have noticed my dogs’ blank stare into the fields where deer roamed.  It was only by a concentrated effort that I could distinguish the movement that he so easily recognized.)

A few of my favorite references…what are yours?

“When the dog was created, it licked the hand

 of God and God stroked its head, saying

‘what do you want dog?’ It replied,

‘My Lord, I want to stay with you,

in heaven, on a mat, in front of the gate…’”

                 Marie Noel

“Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.”  Ann Landers

“When the man waked up he said,

What is Wild Dog doing here?”

And the Woman said,

“His name is not Wild Dog any more,

but the First Friend,

because he will be our friend

for always and always and always.”

Rudy Kipling


“Only an animal lover is able to comprehend the sorrow experienced at the loss of a pet.”  Father Jack Federico


“I used to look at my dog and think, ‘if you were a little smarter you could tell me what you are thinking,’ and he’d look at me like he was saying, ‘if you were a little smarter, I wouldn’t have to.’”

 Fred Jung Claus

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” Attributed to both Will Rogers and Unknown


FROM CHAPTER 16, 14000 DOGS LATER:  “We use dogs more for our own edification than for theirs.  Too often, after the excitement of puppyhood has worn off, we leave them to fend for themselves.  We dispatch them to the basement, garage, or backyard.  Fortunately, we do not do this with our children.  Often, we are less than conscientious when we fail to feed and water them on time.  Yet, we never fail to feed and water ourselves at specific times throughout the day.

We leave them cooped up throughout the day until they are forced to relieve themselves, and then oftentimes we reprimand them for soiling the carpet.

Maybe the question should be, ‘what is it about humans?'”  WOOF!

Bookmarks of life

I thought you might like to have a sampling of 14000 Dogs Later.  I’m not crazy about starting at the end…but here’s a snippet of one of the closing chapters.  It reminds me of the everyday value of having your dog at your side.

At the end of chapter two I wrote that I would tell you more about the bookmarks of life, many of which I have already talked about without putting a label on them.  When I mention the bookmarks of life I am referring to those special times that stand out in your relationship with your dogs.  Further, when I talk about the bookmarks of life I am referring to situations that make you a changed person in the way you relate to dogs for the rest of your life. 

            When I first watched KaTrinka care for her pups I was six years old.  And yet that moving-picture is etched in my brain and I can recall it for replay instantly.  That event made me a changed person and constantly reminds me life is miraculous, magical, fragile, and dependant.

            In winning Best of Breed at Westminster, Shambeau taught me humility.  Fletcher, in going for my throat, taught me caution.  The dogs and horses that I have put down taught me that, if we are not careful, time passes unnoticed.  All the dogs I have buried have taught me respect.  Watching the relationships between dogs and humans has shown me the goodness in people’s hearts.  Seeing and experiencing the adulation that dogs have for their masters has given me the opportunity of experiencing one of the greatest gifts from God.  Each of these experiences has made me a changed person…and has changed my life for the better. 

What are the bookmarks in your life with dogs that have made you a changed person? 

  • Did a dog sit with you when you were sad or happy?
  • Did you stop by the wayside and pick up a starving pup?
  • Did a stray dog slink into your life at just the right moment?
  • Did you rescue a dog that had been abused, burned, or broken?
  • Did your dog sound the alarm and save you from a fire…a rapist…a thief?
  • Was your dog there for you when your son or daughter left home and moved on with their lives?  Was he there when your spouse died? 
  • Did he bring excitement into your life by locking you out of the car, or by bringing you unwanted gifts, or by climbing up on the kitchen counter and eating  someone’s birthday cake?
  • In what ways have dogs changed your life?  In what ways do you look at life differently because of your dog?  Are you a more compassionate, patient, or caring person because of your dog?  And, most important, have you been able to transpose what you have learned from dogs to improved relations with your fellow man?

A new Blog will be posted each weekend at All of my books are now available for electronic devices for $3.00 at  My web site is   Woof!!

What’s a Woodland Duck, anyhow?

USED PETSHOP:  This past week a white Woodland Duck was attacked by a dog, taken to a vet, given to my daughter-in-law, who named it Quackers and put it in my pond.  The three wild geese that also swim there are not at all pleased. 

So, that’s my Face Book post.  And, though this page is entitled 14000 Dogs (not Ducks) Later, I feel compelled to tell you about this creature.  The idea was that he (or she) would stay here until it healed from the dog attack and it’s wings grew back…it would then, hopefully fly away with other wild Ducks to happiness beyond.  It loves swimming in my pond, but I am not necessarily a Duck person.  Now I found out that it is not a wild animal and must be protected from preditors galore.  This is much more than I barganed for…stay tunned.

Check out: ALL of my e-books are now $3.00

Murder, inspiration, dog behavior…which do you prefer?

Six of my books are now available on Kindle, Nook, and other reading devices for only $3.oo. 

Get the answers to:  Who done it? (Murder)  What am I supposed to do now? (Inspiration)  and Why’d he do that? (Dog behavior)

These and many more of your questions can be answered by going to

For murder try: Master of the Shadows, Never Again, Murder on the Trap and The Fires of Bramber

For inspiration try:  Beyond Imagination

And for dog behavior try:  14000 Dogs Later